Never Waste a Good Crisis — How to Do More with Less During an Economic Cycle

John Rossman

The current economic turmoil feels daunting, often leading to distress, disarray, and discouragement. There’s wisdom in the adage, “Never waste a good crisis.” During these challenging times, ingenuity, resourcefulness, and resilience genuinely shine. Businesses can utilize an economic downturn as an opportunity to innovate, reduce waste, and create high-performing teams.

Embrace the Crisis as an Opportunity for Innovation

During an economic downturn, the normal operations of a business are often disrupted, leaving room for new ideas and creativity. Ray Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater Associates, once said, “Pain plus reflection equals progress.” This statement is as true for individuals as it is for organizations.

Crises create an environment that calls for constant reflection on the nature of our problems and how we might solve them. It’s a time for firms to push beyond their comfort zones and take calculated risks that may not have been considered in more comfortable times.

Take the example of Airbnb during the 2008 recession. Born out of the economic downturn, the company saw an opportunity in people’s need to generate extra income. As a result, they launched a platform that revolutionized the hospitality industry. They turned a crisis into an opportunity and made their mark.

Innovation is the ability to recognize a need, typically either a customer need or an operational need, have an idea to improve it, ability to develop, test and tune the concept, and then be able to deploy it to have successful results. Innovation is so much more than just “having an idea”. 

The current economic cycle requires that we get more done with less. Improving our operational effectiveness, reducing customer complaints or questions, and developing more competitive products and services is a key strategy in order to meet the needs of this economic cycle.

One of Amazon’s Leadership Principles is Frugality. The principle reads “Accomplish more with less. Constraints breed resourcefulness, self-sufficiency, and invention. There are no extra points for growing headcount, budget size, or fixed expense.” John Rossman, former Amazon executive and author of the best selling book on Amazon’s leadership principles, The Amazon Way, states “Leaders find the opportunity in the reality of this environment. Focusing on opportunities shifts our mindset to invent into a better situation — often one that pays dividends short-term and long-term.” 

Encourage Resourcefulness

As resources become scarce during a downturn, businesses are called upon to do more with less. This scarcity can act as a catalyst for resourcefulness, opportunity  and efficiency. Management guru Peter Drucker states, “effective executives treat change as an opportunity rather than a threat. They systematically look at changes, inside and outside the corporation, and ask, “How can we exploit this change as an opportunity for our enterprise?” These opportunities often require change, innovation, to take advantage of this. We must be resourceful to turn this situation into an opportunity.

John Rossman, author of “Think Like Amazon,” argued, “Constraints drive innovation and force focus. Instead of trying to remove them, use them to your advantage.”

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, is an excellent example of a leader who uses constraints to drive innovation. When SpaceX couldn’t afford a rocket, they decided to build one. The result? A business model that significantly reduces the cost of space travel and has made Musk’s company a dominant player in the industry.

Companies can take a leaf from Musk’s book and look at their limitations not as roadblocks but as unique circumstances that can spur creativity and inventiveness. What can your organization achieve by adopting a different perspective on its constraints?

Develop a High-Performing Team

A crisis can create an environment of uncertainty and fear. However, it also presents an opportunity for leaders to galvanize their teams. Indra Nooyi, the former CEO of PepsiCo, suggests, “Leadership is hard to define and good leadership even harder. But if you can get people to follow you to the ends of the earth, you are a great leader.”

Good leaders must communicate transparently, show empathy, and provide clear direction during a crisis. It’s important to rally your team around a shared purpose and create a sense of unity. It’s also an excellent time to identify potential leaders within your team who rise to the challenge and can stay resilient in adversity.

Moreover, an economic downturn can provide the impetus for improving efficiency within your team. This might involve cross-training employees, eliminating redundant roles, or streamlining processes. A lean, efficient team is beneficial in tough times and positions your company for success when the economy recovers.


Today’s decisions not only shape how well you weather the current storm but will also define how high your company soars when the skies clear. We have seen countless companies that rose to prominence after an economic downturn by seizing the crisis as an opportunity rather than succumbing to pressure.

Today’s economic situation does not signify doom. In many cases, it symbolizes a reset, an opportunity to reassess, redefine, and rebuild. The purpose is not merely to survive the crisis but to emerge stronger, more focused, and ready to seize future opportunities.

In the words of Sir Winston Churchill, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” An economic downturn might seem like a dire situation, but it’s also an opportunity for growth and innovation. As leaders, embracing the crisis as a time for reflection and innovation is essential, encouraging resourcefulness and using the opportunity to develop a high-performing team.

John Rossman is the author of The Amazon Way: Amazon’s 14 Leadership Principles and is a leading leadership speaker on goal setting and high-performance teams. If you’d like to discuss your goals, let’s connect

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John Rossman | Leadership Keynote Speaker & Author